Email Manny Page
This page allows you to send mail to me :-). My name is Manny, and I run the Power Rangers WWW Homepage. If you have any comments or suggestions please send me a message. Hey, if you just want to say 'hi' send me a message. It's easy. Just fill out the form below. When filling out the form, make sure to fill out every block. The blocks should be filled out as follows:

Email Address: = This area should be filled in with your email address. If you do not fill this in I won't be able to get back to you on your comment. On the other hand, if you wish to send an anonymous message, you can just leave this blank

The Subject: = (optional) In this area type in a brief title of your message, such as 'The Web Rangers?', 'New Pink Ranger?', or 'Hello :-)'. This line will tell me what your message is about.

Your Comment: = In this area you can type anything you would like to tell me or ask me.

If at anytime you make a mistake, you can just erase that portion of the message. If you wish to start completely over, you can use the 'Clear Form' button at the end of the page. When you are all done click the 'Send Mail' button.

It should be noted that this is not an official site and I do not know the Power Rangers. I know, I'm pretty sad about this too.

The Form

Your Email Address

The Subject


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