The Turbo Power Rangers

The Wind Ninja Acadamy is one of teh secret ninja acadamy, trainign Earth's future protectors. Three Bumlbing Njina Studebts named Tori, Dusitn,and Shane  face expulsion if they are late again. They ended up getting held up the next day by a elderly couple wth a stalled car. An evil Ninja Warlord named Lothor invades the Ninja Acadmey and steals all thr Ninja students. Shane, Tori, and Dustin arriive late and our taken to a secret base below the ground by Cam ( the Sensei'  son). The Sensei is tehre but he is stuck in the form of a gineua pig. He gives thr studens the Wind Ninja Powers. Making them Earth's only hope against Lothor.  The Wind Rangers use the Storm Megazord.

Two Mysterious Thunder Rangers began working for Lothor. They were two adopted brothers from the Thunder Ninja Acadamy, Blake and Hunter. They use their secret idenities to charm their way into the Ranger'd lived. to set them up. Lothor lied and told them that there parents were murdered by Sensei. Later they find out Lothor really murdered them. An evil beam brainwashes the Thunders against the Wind Ninjas. When the spell was broken they offically jion the team .  The Thunders use the Thunder Megazord.

Cam wants to be a ninja. But his father prpmised his dieng motehr long ago that Cam would not be traind by him. Since the Ninja  life wa s dangrous. A poweful monster strained the Rangers of their powers. Cam uses the scroll of time to go back in time after a powerful amulet. Cam meets his young father and mother, Miko. He also learns that his father had a brother named Kiya. Kiya steals Miko''s owerful green amulet and frams Cam. Kiya is revealed to be the real Culprit, he had been using Dark Ninja Magic, which is forbidden. The past Sensei banishes Kiya to outer space who takes a new  name , Lothor. Miko lets Cam keep her amulet. Cam returns to the present and uses the amulet to become the Green Samuari Ranger. The other  Rangers get there powers back and he offically jions the team. Cam is equiped with th Samuria Star Megazord.

Lothor has all of his generals eliminated in an antmpt to  open the Abyss of Evil. Lothor  destroys Nina  Ops and abducts Cam . The Samuria Amlute is important to his plans.  Sensei returns to his human form and tells the Wind Rangers that they were destined to face Lothor all along. The Thunder Rangers rescue Cam as well as Mahara and Kaphri ( who switch sides). The Ninja Students are all freed. The Rangers and the Ninja Students battle Lothor (and his army resurected from the Abyss).  Once all his allies are back in the Abyyss, Lothors steals all the Ranger's powers. Shane, Tori, and Dusitn use their ninja powers to trap Lothor in the Abyss and to seal it. But the ranger's powers are semminly lost for good. The Wind Ranger become instructors at the acadamy. Blake becomes  a Motorcross Racer and Hunter goes to teach at the Thudner Acadamy. Cam continues to help his dad as a teacher. All six Rager gradiuate from Ninja School.

For information on the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers check out the MMPR Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Zeo the PRZ Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Turbo the PRT Page.
For information on the Power Rangers In Space  the PRIS Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Lost Galaxy the PRLG Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Lightspeed Recue the PRLR Page.
For information on the  Power Rangers Time Force check out the PRTF Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Wild Force the PRWF Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Ninja Storm the PRNS Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Dinothunder the PRDT Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Space Patrol Delta the PRSPD Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Mystic Force the PRMF Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Operation Overdrive the PROO Page.

Kat Justin Tommy Tanya Adam
Katherine Justin Tommy Tanya Adam

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